In attendance of our client VENECO we did our first selection of grown trees for the projects to be planted this fall and next spring. We thank Van den Berk Boomkwekerij for the nice reception and are looking forward at the arrival of the selected trees on site.
Last friday Philippe Vermeulen gave a presentatation on the first phase of the recoenversion of the ancient TORCK industrial complex nto a new sustainable neighbourhood. This before the assemblde press and the Mayor Jan Vermeulen and counsil direcotrof mobility and urban development Bat Van Thuynen. Supported by the local govement AVALON has been instrumental on guiding this project through to obtaining a approved implementation. This in support of the architectural and urban designpartner A33.
Together with ELIA engineering, ANTEA and agricultural expert Luc Pinon, AVALON has developed a new way of integrating construction roads and storage areas in agricultural areas. This involves abandoning the use of soil foreign materials such as sand, rubble and crushed stone and switched to the use of compost fractions. The aim is to achieve a minimum of soil disruption and compaction of the subsoil.
Notwithstanding the summer recess in Belgium is near is the construction of the parking and kiss and ride zone at VIBSO in the Leihoekstraat in full implementation. Together with the contractor, we go full ahaed to ensure the accessible of the school and its adjoining buildings us as quickly as possible assured.
Meanwhile in Belgium...... The first phase of the terrain modeling started at the 'De Wieleman' landscape integration project. The construction company TAVAGRO had demolished the old houses and finished the general modeling of the terrain in expectation of the construction works to be started soon. Check out the project page on our website.