N975 Gerpinnes-Hanzinelle infrastructure works in synergy
Neerwaasten - Wevelgem 150 Kv
PV system with virtual PPA supply to third party
Cable connection Malderen-Tisselt-Mechelen 150 kV
Climate resiliant water permeable road in Damme
Reconversion site 'Torck’ and public spaces
Rang Dong Textile Industrial Park Energy Island
HT Trace Brugge - Eeklo
Refurbishment roads Gouy Courcelles
HT Trace Bruegel Heliport - transition Simonis station complex
Hybrid road system waterfront Canal du Centre
ELIA Grid extension Poperingen - Neerwaasten
HT Trace Ieper Baswarneton
Casa Verde - residential and commercial development
Elia road repair
Economic and strategic vision towards the expansion of a large scale PV installations in Qatar
Student housing and city centre development region Vasterbotten, Sweden
PV-project Lauro
Windpark AMACRO
Feasibility study Residential care-project
Feasibility study of the waterfront bound storage of Biofuel
Site evaluation STEG power plants